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Model and Clutter improvements

Monday 8th July 2024

Following our most recent field testing, we have identified two significant improvements in accuracy:

The first is a new deterministic propagation model; the General Purpose model. This is a frequency agnostic curve which takes its accuracy from high quality reference data. It’s dependency on high resolution clutter sets it apart from legacy cellular models which are more complex empirical curves designed in an era of basic digital models.

The second improvement is better default clutter values which align with ITU-R P.833 recommendations, as opposed to our current light clutter values which have been retro-fitted to tune the ITM model, also designed before clutter data was widely available.

Dense clutter

When input settings are adjusted to match field measurements, the model and clutter parameters are adjusted to achieve the best match, measured by the error where a low score eg. 3dB is best. Previously, the calibration adjustments were weighted towards the model with clutter accounting for a relatively minor change.

With our new dense clutter values, we have referenced the ITU-R P.833 recommendation for vegetation values and other papers for buildings. As a result we have new, dense, clutter profiles which when combined with improved diffraction will improve accuracy.

These templates are optimised for 1GHz. Actual attenuation will vary by wavelength so you are advised to create your own if using a very short wavelength with adjusted attenuation.


Buildings are very dense (3.0dB/m), with variable heights and trees are short (8m) and light (0.4dB/m)


Buildings are dense (2.0dB/m), with variable heights and trees are taller (10m) and denser (0.5dB/m)


Buildings are light (1.0dB/m), with variable heights and trees are tall (12m) and dense (0.6dB/m)

ITM model warning

There is one exception to this which is the ITM model: This is our oldest and most complex model which (uniquely) includes its own Vogler diffraction routine. The new dense clutter will not work with the ITM model which can only be used without clutter or a very light profile such as Minimal.clt.

The following table lists changes to combinations of models and clutter:

ITMMinimal / Temperate / UrbanNo change to coverage
ITMCITY / SUBURB / FORESTWARNING: Coverage will be very conservative. Do not use ITM with these profiles.
OthersMinimal / Temperate / UrbanCoverage will be optimistic where clutter is present
Others CITY / SUBURB / FORESTCoverage accuracy will be improved where clutter is present
AllNONENo change to coverage
Propagation models and clutter changes

Release schedule

The updated engines and matching clutter profiles are scheduled to be published on CloudRF on Friday the 12th July 2024.

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Antenna drive testing

Our latest field test was focused on drive testing novel antennas by UK SME Far Field Exploits (FFX) around the Somerset countryside with Trellisware radios.

Previously, we validated diffraction models using LTE800 in the Mountains. The outcome of that cold test highlighted Deygout as the most accurate diffraction model when paired with empirical cellular models. For this much warmer antenna drive testing, we used lower frequencies and a lower mast in an area with many trees which presented a challenge for both legacy cellular models and LiDAR.

Testing highlights

  • Average Root Mean Square Error of 7.4dB
  • Average Modelling Error of 4.4dB
  • Automated data collection with ATAK plugin
  • New “General Purpose” model developed
  • New “GP” clutter profile for use with GP model
Drive test route

Test setup

The test area was in and around the small town of Somerton in Somerset. This town sits in rolling countryside featuring farms, high hedgerows and blocks of trees. A railway line with road humpback bridges bisects the town. The town has a small housing estate under construction which did not feature in our buildings data.

The base station was a wide-band Omega panel elevated 5m above the ground and connected to a Trellisware spirit radio. The radio was operated across several UHF bands, each with 1.2MHz bandwidth, and live positions observed on WinTAK using cursor on target (CoT).

The antenna testing vehicle was fitted with a roof mounted magnetic antenna bracket which connected to a spirit radio. This mount allowed different antennas to be swapped out. As a result we were able to test both a Hascall Denke MPDP675X4 and a FFX Sigma 3.

Data logging

We know customers and OEMs like to voice opinions about radios, waveforms and antennas but without solid measurement data it’s just noise with a lot of bias and emotion.

Data beats emotions every day!

As an antenna OEM, FFX developed the ATAK spectrum survey app to streamline collection of field measurements for antenna testing in different environments.

The logging application used the Trellisware radio’s API to fetch link metadata from the local radio and save it to the SD card as a CSV file.

The ATAK plugin enabled a large quantity of high quality measurements to be efficiently collected. As a result we were able to execute several test cycles in a short space of time – just as well as it was hot (for the UK) and Harry had no air conditioning…

The CSV files were downloaded from the phone and loaded into the CloudRF calibration utility for analysis.

The survey data was filtered to remove results weaker than the theoretical noise floor at -113dBm.

We were planning to use a measurement error of 2dB for the high quality radios (a cell phone is 3dB) but owing to the high temperate of the mobile radio in the car we used 3dB as receiver performance degrades with temperature.

At first look

The first pass comparison of the data showed a ~15dB delta between modelling and field measurements with LiDAR, prior to tuning. Using the ITM model and a high reliability value (99%) this only reduced several decibels and clearly needed more work. Ideally the model should align within 10dB so clutter tuning can then be used to reduce this towards 6dB.

ITM uses the complex Vogler multi knife edge diffraction model which is accurate for hills but needs tuned clutter to handle soft obstacles. Using cellular models, as we did in LTE800 field tests, didn’t produce the same results due presumably to the lower mast height and frequencies, even when enhanced with Deygout diffraction.

A new model

Through curve fitting we identified alignment with the P.525 reference model and a 20dB constant representing observed system losses. When enhanced with the Deygout 94 diffraction model this produced excellent alignment with the more challenging beyond-line-of-sight areas. Many signal paths on the route had multiple obstructions so a multiple knife edge model (MKED) was essential.

We have created a new model from these settings called the General Purpose Model. It is frequency and height agnostic which makes it ideal for ground and air based links and much more versatile than empirical equivalents which must be operated within a restricted performance envelope. Like all our models it must be used in conjunction with a diffraction model and tuned clutter to deliver accurate beyond line of sight results.

In our opinion, modern developments in processing and clutter data especially have rendered legacy empirical models largely obsolete. The modern way to fit modelling to measurements is to focus on precise clutter data not old path loss curves.

In the screenshot below, the car drove up a hill where it fell off the network behind a prominent knoll before reacquiring the network later on. This knoll was the second of two obstructing hills for this section of the route. The modelling predicted more coverage due to the chosen receive threshold, -107dBm, which was based upon 6dB above the thermal noise floor which was -113dBm at 1.2MHz bandwidth. It is very likely local noise was slightly higher.

ITU clutter values

Without clutter, the General Purpose (GP) model will be optimistic in most ground environments. It will be accurate over bare earth but where obstacles are present, it needs land cover and a clutter profile. Prior to developing the GP model, we did most of the tuning in the model using reliability (%) and only fine tuned with the clutter.

This is why older CloudRF clutter profiles eg. Minimal.clt have low values such as 0.05 dB/m for trees. With the GP model, the model itself is very simple and most alignment takes place within the clutter (profile). As a result, the clutter values used for GP are much denser. Our GP profile, created for this test has trees with a density of ~0.5dB/m, aligning with ITU-R P.833, attenuation in vegetation.

Diffraction logic has been re-balanced to accommodate ITU clutter values. Users using either the default ITM model or models without land cover are not affected. Legacy clutter profiles such as Minimal have not changed but you are advised to try the new GP model and associated GP clutter and see the difference for yourself.

Test parameters

Bandwidth: 1.2Mhz

Feeder loss: 1dB

Receiver height: 1.5m

Receive sensitivity: -107dB (6db above noise)

Noise floor: -113 dB

Model: General purpose / ITM

Reliability: 60% / 90%

Context: Average

Diffraction: Deygout 94 / Vogler (ITM)

Clutter Profile: Buildings 3dB/m, Trees 10m @ 0.5dB/m

Radius: 6km

Resolution: 5m


The following table of results were from measurements conducted with the same base station, vehicle and radios. Only the vehicle antenna, and frequency, were changed in between tests. Once calibration had been achieved the area covered was extracted from the modelling. This is typically inverse to the frequency so a low frequency has better coverage than a high frequency at the expense of bandwidth – and both matter.

There are two standout results from the data: First is the low RMSE accuracy for the new GP model with tuned clutter compared with LiDAR which is satisfying given the challenging terrain and the second is the performance of the Sigma 3 on a frequency it is not officially rated for as it has a bottom end of 350MHz. The best alignment with the same settings was found to be with -5dBi receive gain confirming the antenna can be operated lower, and at range.

Once again, DTM with clutter has proven to be superior to LiDAR.

Antenna testModel + DiffractionClutter profileDEMReceive gain dBiRMSE errorModelling errorModelling area covered km2 Modelling area covered %
Hascall Denke MPDP675X4 on 1.4GHzGP (60%) + Deygout 94GPDTM + 10m Land cover + 2m Buildings29.46.419.217
Hascall Denke MPDP675X4 on 1.4GHzITM (90%)N/ALiDAR215.212.212.411
FFX Sigma 3 on 415MHzGP + Deygout 94GPDTM + 10m Land cover + 2m Buildings26.63.689.979
FFX Sigma 3 on 415MHzITM (90%)N/ALiDAR2181572.764
FFX Sigma 3 on 287MHzGP + Deygout 94GPDTM + 10m Land cover + 2m Buildings-
FFX Sigma 3 on 287MHzITM (90%)N/ALiDAR-515.112.16356
Results table showing ITM+LiDAR compared with General Purpose +Clutter.

The scatter plot for the 1.4GHz data shows the simple GP model to align closer to field measurements than the much more complex ITM model. Our conclusion is that the ITM model, and it’s Vogler diffraction, developed in the 1960s, pre-dates developments in computing and precision clutter so provides good performance across multiple hills, at range, but is inadequate for macro planning at “street level” resolution where density of obstacles must be budgeted for.

ITM continues to be a solid UHF broadcasting model but it was designed for hard obstacles. Retro fitting it with soft clutter, as we have done can improve its performance several decibels but for maximum accuracy, the simple General Purpose model with tuned clutter provides superior results.

Results Gallery

Tuned coverage and survey data is displayed on the same map showing the RMSE and Mean error.

Look ahead

The General Purpose model will go live on CloudRF in early July 2024 following more testing and then into SOOTHSAYER 1.8 later in the year.

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3D radio propagation API


True 3D multi-path

Following two years of R&D, our new 3D engine and API is live.

It uses an advanced volumetric design to simulate propagation in all directions making it more advanced than 2D engines which can only produce flat images. By design, it supports multi-path and phase tracking to model “fast fading” when signals collide making it well suited to challenging urban and subterranean environments.

Key features include:

  • 3D antenna patterns
  • Configurable reflections (up to 10)
  • Configurable material attenuation (dB/m)
  • Configurable material reflectivity (dB)
  • Configurable material diffusivity (Metal v Stone)
  • Multi-site support (n transmitters)
  • Phase tracking for multi-path effects (Constructive and destructive multipath)
  • Configurable resolution from 10cm, subject to model size

CloudRF Blender plugin

An open file standard and an Open API

We’ve chosen the growing glTF 3D standard by the Khronos Group for our input and output. It is supported by most devices, GIS software, graphics engines and 3D viewers.

You can transform LiDAR point cloud scans into a glTF mesh using a number of free packages to exploit popular formats like LAS and LAZ.

As per our open architecture and API-first design, the 3D API is available now as an open API. You will require a premium CloudRF account and an API key to use it.

With the API, you can push up a model, perform coverage analysis, and view the output using a hosted viewer supported by popular browsers.

Multi-path visualisation

Everyone talks about multi-path, the behaviour of colliding radio waves but can they visualise it? Signals schools teach students that a “little movement” will cure a dead spot. That’s good but when a little more movement puts them back in a dead spot again it doesn’t solve the real issue, current software cannot practically do multi-path.

There are expensive ray tracing solutions designed for design engineers but not operators deploying equipment, or students even who are taught to move, but don’t know where to!

In the screenshot below, a directional 5G antenna is pointed towards Tower bridge in London. Where there is line of sight on the river Thames the signal is a solid green. Where there are reflections, the signal is patchy and adjacent to the bridge there is a notable area of destructive multipath in the middle of the river. This huge dead spot is caused by strong reflections coming from the south tower of Tower Bridge. The north tower isn’t as affected due to the angle of incidence which creates a longer reflection path, and weaker reflection.

Destructive multipath in the middle of a river.

Viewer agnostic

As an open standards API our mesh output can be consumed by browsers, third party apps and AR viewers. We’ve already integrated it into a Hologram and the popular Blender 3D software and will add it to our web interface soon since we use Cesium which has supported glTF since 2014.

You can add glTF models direct into ESRI’s ArcGIS Maps SDK. Demo code is right here!

Blender plugin

Whilst developing this we used the popular Blender open source 3D platform to create obstacles and inspect output. We developed a plugin for Blender which we have open sourced so you can drive it directly from Blender. The plugin will upload your model and allow you to use it, along with CloudRF radio templates, to simulate RF coverage.

For more information on the plugin see here.

3D properties


Instead of a geographic projection like WGS-84, this engine uses XYZ coordinates relative to the model origin (x=0,y=0,z=0). This is better for modelling buildings in isolation like architecture designs which don’t exist!

When a building is placed upon the earth, the translation to these values should be performed by the client, such as Blender so ideally the user does not need to know what/where they are – it just looks right.

Up and Forward

Cartesian vector coordinates are more complex to express than latitude and longitude.

This is best left to the client like Blender for example. As a minimum the position is required as XYZ and for advanced usage the API allows “up” or “forward” XYZ directions to be used to express rotation. Different platforms do different things with coordinates so we have opened up our API to support as many as possible.


We’ve supported configurable clutter for years but with multi-path support we have extended support for both attenuation, reflection and diffusion. The glTF standard supports materials by standard with human readable names eg. “Wood”. You should match the materials you are using with the “Keys” section to capture variants in your model for example: “Wood”, “Oak Wood”, “Timber”.

Reflection loss

Measured in decibels, this is loss incurred by a reflection from a surface. Solid surfaces like Metal reflect most of the energy so have a low loss value of between 1 and 3 dB and softer surfaces like timber absorb more energy so have higher loss values of 3 to 6 dB.

Transmission loss

Measured in decibels per meter, this is absorption loss. These figures will be much higher than what you might have used with our other APIs since those are nominal values based on average attenuation through a house whereas these are the actual value for the material(s) (eg. brick) not the parent obstacle (a brick house).

For example; a brick house measuring 10m wide might have 2 blocking walls at 10dB each for a given UHF frequency.

With the 2D API, this would be represented as a attenuation figure of 20dB / 10m = 2dB. In the 3D API the brick wall would be the simpler 10dB!

The advantage of this is we can now model inside rooms with different materials and furniture – if you have the model…


Radio waves scatter when they hit a wall. The behaviour varies by the material so you can define this behaviour with the diffusion parameter. It’s a randomisation ratio from 0 to 10. At 0 there is no diffusion and you are only considering the input ray. With 0.1 a small amount of randomisation is occurring so the reflection is very predictable like a game of pool.

With 10.0 the reflections are truly random in all directions. This would be suitable for a gravel path for example.


Modelling a cube is harder than a 2D plane so this takes longer. How long depends upon your model size and resolution and reflections. Increasing reflections doesn’t add as much work as you might expect due to our efficient design but asking for 20cm resolution for an entire neighbourhood will leave you waiting for a few minutes.

Performance tips

  • Start with 1m resolution and a small model
  • Keep you input model minimal. If you have every pot plant in the town it will be a big mesh file and will take longer!
  • Pretty photo realistic 3D tiles are pretty but take a long time to model. Go ugly early with basic models for speed.


The swagger documentation is located here.

The blender plugin is located here.

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3D simulation roadmap

The problem with tunnels and stairs

Whenever there’s been a major incident involving emergency services in complex urban environments the inquiry report has consistently highlighted radio communications failure despite significant developments in radio communications and 3D technology since the infamous 1988 Kings Cross Fire on the London Underground. The following tragic incidents all featured tunnels, stairs and communications failure:

Limitations of (2D) radio planning tools

Radio planning tools are not used in emergencies. They’re complicated, slow and require a lot of knowledge to produce an accurate output. Even if a skilled operator were able to model a site before the event, currently they would be expected to model each floor of a multi-story building in isolation due to the “floorplan” design of current software.

The problem is indoor planning tools are built for corporate clients to achieve seamless Wi-Fi in every corner of the office, not to help a fire chief deploy a mesh radio network down stairs and then along a tunnel. The top end tools can do limited multipath, slowly, but not as an API which can be consumed by a third party viewer…

Most radio planning tools on the market, ourselves included, have the following limitations when it comes to complex urban modelling which we will explore in detail:

Using LiDAR as a 2.5D surface model

The abundance of free LiDAR data has made this high resolution data the standard for accurate outdoor RF planning and for several Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) tools, including free LiDAR based path tools, it is their core feature. We started using LiDAR in 2015 and know its limitations well; for example when point cloud LiDAR has been rasterised into GeoTIFF then it’s no longer 3D, it’s a 2.5D surface model which is useful for building heights and unsuitable for bridges, arches and tunnels.

A bridge or arch in a rasterised LiDAR model extends to the ground like a wall. In the screenshot below, a large ferris wheel is blocking line of sight through it as well as the elevated rail bridge across the river which is casting a shadow much larger than it would in reality.

London eye and bridges in LiDAR

Using a floor plan to model a building

Expect us

For indoor Wi-Fi planning tools, the start point is typically a floor plan. This does not scale well with multi-story buildings or support vertical planning as it produces a 2D image of a 2D plan.

Many tools present 2D images in a 3D viewer, as we do, but the output remains 2.5D, as with rasterised LiDAR. The significant Wi-Fi attenuation presented by solid floors makes this simplified 2D floor-by-floor planning viable for corporate clients in offices but not in challenging environments or where a floor plan does not exist.

Direct ray only

Attenuation is good, reflections are better

Modelling multipath, or fast fading, is much more complex than the direct ray. For this reason, most tools only do the more powerful direct ray and even then some cannot do diffraction or obstacle attenuation as we do already. For the previously mentioned Wi-Fi planning tools, the current standard is to model obstacle attenuation only. By doing this a tool is able to simulate most of the coverage quickly for a given floor but for complete accuracy it must be augmented by a walk survey, which isn’t so quick. For some customers, a walk survey is just not possible.

Multipath effects will increase coverage beyond a direct ray simulation and cause phase issues like signal dead-spots and doppler spread where reflections increase bandwidth and overall noise. This effect can be observed indirectly via customer reviews for urban WISPs where people state their once good link quality reduced as more neighbours subscribed.

A 3D multipath API for 2024

We’ve been working on this full 3D capability since the 2022 Grenfell inquiry with valuable input from firefighters, mining experts and MANET radio OEMs. The first version of the engine is done and we’re onto API integration now.

Our GPU based design takes a 3D model, simulates propagation in all directions irrespective of floors including configurable reflections, surface refractivity, material attenuation and crucially it outputs to the open 3D standard glTF. It scales from small rooms to suburbs and everything in between so will be used for tunnels, multi-story buildings and outdoor multipath.

It will be integrated into our API first so other standards compliant viewers can visualise it and will then be integrated into our own 3D user interface. We can’t say what interfaces people will be using in the future but are confident that by aiming for open standards APIs we will ensure compatibility with phones, glasses and holograms.


Read LiDAR into a 3D volume

Prepare a volume from a LAS/LAZ LiDAR scan.


Direct ray with attenuation

Model direct ray with configurable attenuation in dB/m for obstacles



Model reflections accurately based on the wavelength and angle of incidence


Phase tracking

Track the phase to show constructive and destructive interference (fast fading) eg. dead spots, cured by a little movement 😉


BIM / glTF support

Read and write BIM models as the open standard glTF “3d tiles” format.

Under development

API integration

Integrate engine into the CloudRF API so a BIM/LAS model can be uploaded and used via our standard JSON requests.

Under development

3D tiles web interface integration

Add 3D tiles output to 3D web interface. Some interfaces already supported 🙂

To do

Multisite support

Model many sites at once

To do

Antenna pattern integration

Add 3D antenna pattern loss

Commercial plan

The 3D engine API will be a new feature within CloudRF Gold plans and our SOOTHSAYER server at no additional cost. It requires a GPU. We’re aiming to get a beta up on CloudRF in May/June and to ship this with the next major SOOTHSAYER release, currently scheduled for September.

Users will be allowed to upload models within their storage limits and execution time / accuracy will be scaled to fit within a reasonable time. Limits will be relaxed on SOOTHSAYER.

We are partnering with open standards based companies to integrate this into different viewers. One exciting partner we are working with now is Avalon Holographics. Their revolutionary display is able to display our rich engine output in a hologram format so it can be explored in three dimensions for maximum spatial awareness without additional hardware for viewers.

If you would like to get our open standard glTF models into your viewer, get in touch. If you can bring challenging BIM models or LiDAR scans of real tunnels and large buildings we would really like to talk to you.

Demo video

3D simulation engine demo video

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SOOTHSAYER server performance testing

Brown bears

We have lab tested three different size hardware profiles for running our SOOTHSAYERTM RF planning server to find out how they compare under load. These consumer profiles cater for different setups ranging from an enterprise with rack mounted servers, to a small office to a vehicle.

Enterprise server

This server is a standard Dell Poweredge R740 with an Intel Silver CPU and a 24GB Nvidia A5000 GPU running a Proxmox hypervisor. SOOTHSAYER 1.7 is installed as a virtual machine and LiDAR data is mapped via a network share.


Mini desktop PC

This small form factor desktop PC is a HP z2 G9 mini with an Intel i9 CPU and a Nvidia A2000 GPU running Ubuntu 22 server.

SOOTHSAYER 1.7 is installed as a docker container and LiDAR data is local.


Embedded PC

This portable server is an Nvidia Jetson AGX Orin with an ARMv8 64 bit CPU and a 2048 core GPU. The server has 3 variable power settings and was run in the modal 30W mode.

SOOTHSAYER 1.7 is installed as a docker container and LiDAR data is local.


The tests

The tests used were designed to benchmark both the hardware and our software’s capability for high performance RF planning. We’ve picked challenges other tools would struggle to compete with, like Bullington diffraction and double digit megapixel resolutions.

High resolution area

The test parameters here were for a 5m resolution coverage heatmap out to 10km radius for a total image size of 16 mega pixels. This was repeated with and without Bullington diffraction and soft clutter data which is computationally expensive to show diffraction with soft clutter versus basic line-of-sight (LOS) speed respectively.

This would exercise our Area API.

Long range path profile

The test parameters here were for a 2m resolution LiDAR path out to a point 10km away. This would test 5000 points and would exercise our Path API.

Ten links at once

The test parameters here were for 10 random transmitters at 3km from a receiver using 2m resolution and Bullington diffraction. All links would be tested in a single API call to our Points API.

The results

All times are in seconds and were taken from the API response, excluding network latency and presentation in an interface.

TestServerMini PCEmbedded PC
Area w/Diffraction (CPU)261338
Area w/LOS (CPU)1710.924
Area w/Diffraction (GPU)6.713.1116
Area w/LOS (GPU)2.53.929
Table of results

The times didn’t fail to disappoint and threw up more than a few surprises. Unsurprisingly, cores matter when processing coverage and the fastest compute went to the largest GPU on the server.

When processing links, the CPU is critical and here the Intel i9 on the Mini PC excelled with a 50 millisecond compute time for multiple 2m LiDAR links. This faster-than-human reaction-time speed makes it suitable for dynamic planning with moving vehicles. The enterprise server disappointed with quick links due to the latency with the large data share where the LiDAR GeoTIFF tiles were stored. This latency was only noticeable with very quick calculations however.

The embedded PC performed admirably considering it was seriously under powered compared to the others at only 30W. It was able to model LiDAR links in 80ms and was only about 46% slower than an enterprise server at CPU calcs. Where it was noticeably slower was with processing the GPU area calculation. By increasing the power on the device to the 60W maximum the CUDA cores are doubled and from our testing we expect this would halve the GPU time.


For MANET link planning; an intel i9 CPU with an SSD is extremely fast

For high resolution area coverage; an enterprise grade GPU is unbeatable

For a small form factor host; the HP z2 G9 mini with an A2000 GPU is powerful

For value for money; the HP z2 G9 mini with an A2000 GPU is excellent

For low SWaP; the Nvidia AGX Orin 64GB delivers great economy

More information

For more information on self hosted RF planning, see our SOOTHSAYER page.

No load balancers with arrays of RTX gaming GPUs were used in this testing. We don’t need to do that!

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SOOTHSAYER 1.7 released


Our latest major release of our private server, SOOTHSAYER, is ready. It includes six months of features, updates and bug fixes from CloudRF and features several customer sponsored capabilities including RADAR and Trilateration.

By popular demand, we now have a Docker enterprise solution so you can build your own containers or use our pre-built AWS template.

Docker support!

Thank you to all who gave feedback and feature sponsorship to help make this feature release. As you can see from the substantial new features and enhancements we continue to model the future of scalable APIs for multiple technologies and verticals such as Aviation and Counter UAS.

New in 1.7

RADAR model

The RADAR propagation model has a RADAR cross section parameter (m2) so you can model the effective range for detection of different sized objects with a RADAR, up to 90GHz, and 500km radius – horizon permitting!

It’s implemented in the API as model #8, both CPU and GPU engines and the user interface.

RADAR documentation:

Airport RADAR
Airport RADAR

Noise API

The noise API was developed from user feedback about the problem with varying local noise figures. Using a universal guessed value eg. -110dBm is not representative of the real world and especially the difference between a quiet rural and loud urban area for example. Now you can push in your own noise readings from radios or other sources either before or during planning. When modelling, live noise can be used by setting the noise value to ‘database’.

Noise CREATE API schema:

Noise GET API schema:

Trilateration API

The Trilateration API was developed by popular request to accelerate and enable the process of geo-location of an unknown emitter. It will challenge conventional thinking about the accuracy of power based geo techniques by using accurate modelling and clutter data instead of circles. Our modelling has been field tested to below 8dB RMSE.

It requires receivers to be pre-modelled to enable rapid RSSI lookups using live receiver measurements. Using this two step process, results are delivered in milliseconds unless a receiver is moving in which case it’s coverage can be maintained using the fast GPU engine.

Trilateration API demo:

Height AMSL

Since our inception we’ve used height above the ground as most of our users are land based terrestrial planners. As we’ve gained more aviation, and RADAR, customers, barometric altitudes are now supported by request. The altitude type is specified in the request “output.units” key as before only now there are four possible inputs instead of two. Range is 1 to 120,000 m/f.

mMeters above ground
m_amslMeters above sea level
fFeet above ground
f_amslFeet above sea level
API height measurement units

HF NVIS model

By request we’ve added a HF Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) model. This models the first bounce from the ionosphere out to 500km and has an option for three layers (D, E, F) at differing refractive heights. This capability is supported in both our CPU and GPU engines and is particular valuable for teaching HF as it will give students an interactive HF tool to learn dipole patterns, the difference between day and night and critical frequency selection.

We have calibrated our NVIS model to align within 10dB of measurements taken from a 2012 research paper by Marcus Walden using a 5MHz NATO frequency in the UK. From this paper we selected one of the longer links at 210km where we used the median measurement value for August.

HF reliability animation
HF reliability animation

Bullington and Deygout diffraction models

Our single knife edge diffraction model has served us well for many years but cannot deliver the accuracy we aspire to once multiple obstacles are on the path. We have therefore invested substantial effort to add the much more complex Bullington and Deygout models to both our CPU and GPU engines. These greatly enhance simple propagation models as we proved during our LTE800 field test in the mountains earlier this year.

Deygout diffraction
Deygout diffraction

Automatic CSV processing in UI

From user feedback we created a solution to a problem whereby customers using managed IT systems were not able to install or execute our python API scripts but needed to batch process spreadsheets. We addressed this by adding a form within our web interface where CSV spreadsheets could be uploaded and automatically processed. It uses a much simpler format which combines with the current form settings like environment to execute API calls.


ITU-R P.1546 VHF/UHF model

This is a logically more advanced path loss model compared with legacy curves which is designed for terrestrial VHF and UHF planning. It’s conservative so we recommend the optimistic context with Bullington diffraction.

Multisite support for mixed AGL / AMSL units

After we implemented height above sea level for aircraft, we received feedback from customers using our multisite API that they would like to model transmitters above ground level and receivers above sea level. This is a common scenario for a ground-to-air network for example. We extended the multisite API to allow for mixed units so this can all be modelled in a single API call.


Our testing cycle is six months long, and starts with CloudRF where thousands of users, on every device imaginable, will test our API and interfaces to destruction. By opening it to the public via our free plan, we encourage many concurrent users, with diverse client software, to test our service and in doing so receive much more comprehensive testing than legacy products or GOTS software which only the contractor has tested.

Field testing is essential to validate the accuracy of our software and calibrate radio templates. After we implemented our new diffraction models, we took them to Scotland where we mapped out 22km of mountain LTE800 measurements. This valuable data improved the models and clutter profiles for UHF and validated our investment in improving accuracy.

Our API is regression tested daily and our models have a custom test harness to validate the many permutations of path loss models, environment contexts, diffraction models and parameters. As the number of models and inputs has grown we are relying on automation to ensure outputs are consistent and within parameters for the model(s).

Our user interface on CloudRF is instrumented with third party error handling software which automatically triages bugs for us. Through this we are able to identify issues early before customers are aware. This works especially well with our crowd sourcing strategy since we see a greater variety of clients than legacy or GOTS competitors who do not have the confidence to do genuine crowd sourced testing.

For hardware and hypervisor compatibility we have invested in a wide variety of systems and GPUs ranging from low end consumer GTX cards to enterprise grade devices like the A5000 and A100. We test SOOTHSAYER virtual machines on Proxmox 8 and ESXi 8 with different CPU architectures, network profiles and resource profiles.

Custom clutter

More information

Get in touch for a demo and pricing today at

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Field testing diffraction

Spectrum analyser up mountain

Recently, we added advanced diffraction models to CloudRF to complement our existing models. To validate the performance of the new Bullington and Deygout models, we took a field trip to the Highlands of Scotland to collect UHF measurements over rugged mountain terrain and through forests.

With these measurements we have validated and optimised our new models for this environment. We already had single-knife-edge diffraction, based on Huygen’s formula, and the Irregular Terrain Model (ITM) which uses Vogler diffraction. The Vogler model is known to be good but single knife edge has its limits which we have pushed.


The testing validated our investment into the complex multi-obstacle models we have added.

Both new models offer a significant improvement in accuracy, with no loss in performance for Bullington. We were able to model diffraction with higher accuracy over multiple challenging obstacles such as gradual convex slopes, ridges and valleys. Modifications have been made to the CPU and GPU engines which will be updated on CloudRF and SOOTHSAYER in due course.

Our key findings include:

  • Single-knife-edge was optimistic
  • Deygout was the most accurate, but slower
  • Bullington provided the best overall performance
  • 7.6dB accuracy achieved, including receiver error
  • 2.4dB improvement on single knife edge model

Test environment

We selected a famously cold and remote valley in the Cairngorms national park for our test which has cell towers in the valley and a variety of local repeaters for TETRA, VHF and UHF PTT services. The challenging terrain is notoriously difficult for radio communications making it ideal for our purposes.

Using a test phone with 3dB of measurement error attached to the Vodafone 4G network and a portable Rohde and Schwarz spectrum analyser, we collected a variety of VHF and UHF measurements along a 22km circular mountain route covering a wide variety of terrain. From the data collected, the 800MHz LTE measurements proved the best examples of signal failure so we focused our post-analysis on these.

Throughout the LTE testing the phone attached to multiple local cells and experienced prolonged signal failure as expected in a remote mountain valley.

We filtered the results to isolate 634 RSRP readings from a single physical LTE cell, PCI 460, from which we would calibrate modelling. This cell was located at the start of our test route and was a high power LTE band 20 (800MHz) base station with 10MHz of bandwidth.

Trees and attenuation

The first, and last, few miles of the circular route was a mature Scots pine forest. Unlike dense Scandinavian pine forests, this was sparse with a relatively high tree canopy. A lighter tree clutter profile was used to represent the attenuation from these trees which impact UHF propagation.

Convex hill and a loss of signal

Beyond the forest, the route gained altitude into a mountain plateau where line of sight was lost. The shape of the hill meant any diffraction formula would have to model a gradual convex shape versus a simpler knife-edge obstacle.

The ascent and re-acquisition

As the route ascended a spur leading toward the ridge, the signal was reacquired beyond the snowline. This signal gain was gradual, starting as a diffracted signal from the lower convex hill which eventually became a direct signal at the summit, 7km away from the cell.

Summit switcheroo

The route traversed a high ridge which featured many gaps in our cell coverage in the test data. These gaps were because the LTE modem performed a handover to stronger cells which appeared as soon as they were “visible”. Depending upon the position along the ridge, it occasionally reverted to the original “460” cell at over 7km.

Descent into darkness

The steep descent from the ridge entered a obscured valley not visible from the cell.

This resulted in a prolonged loss of signal for several miles until the signal was reacquired toward the trees at the foot of the valley.

Results analysis

The LTE survey data was prepared as CSV and loaded into the CloudRF web interface for use with the coverage analysis tool. This provided live feedback on accuracy with user generated heatmap layers so the correct settings could be identified first visually using a fine colour schema and then numerically by the reported average error in decibels.

Whilst the site location and frequency was known, the power output was not so the first task was to match line of sight positions, such as on the ridge-line, to establish the power without any obstacles. From there, a tree clutter profile was created to match the tree measurements and finally the best model and context were selected. For this task, the generic Egli VHF/UHF model was chosen as a basic model on which to base the diffraction comparison.

As settings matured, the reported Root Mean Square (RMS) error reduced accordingly until it was below 8dB (including 3dB of receiver error). This was slightly better than the 8dB we achieved on our last field test with LTE800 previously and given the extreme context, spanning a diverse mountain range, this was an excellent improvement.

Subtracting receiver error gives modelling error in the range of 4.6 to 7dB; an excellent result for difficult terrain.

Diffraction modelMean error dBRMSE error dBModelling error dBComment
Single knife edge5.2107Optimistic. May show false positive coverage.
Deygout- Can be conservative and is 50% slower but gives high assurance.
Bullington1.48.95.9Good. Can be optimistic but is as fast as KED and relatively accurate.
Calibration results from comparing area coverage with survey data

Coverage results

The scatter plot for the ascent to the ridgeline shows measured and simulated values. The steep drop at 2.5km and gap in results after 3.3km matches closely for the critical beyond line of sight region. The results start again once we ascended toward the ridge where the new models were conservative by 10dB whilst the simple knife edge model tracked the path loss curve – which was to be expected. All models aligned once line of sight was achieved at 6.3km.


The outcome of this testing has improved the accuracy of our diffraction models, identified optimisations for our clutter profiles and proved a simple path loss model can be very accurate beyond line of sight with the right diffraction model.

The API settings we used for the LTE800 cell and RSRP output are here. Note the custom clutter profile and fine colour schema.

    "version": "CloudRF-API-v3.9.5",
    "reference": "",
    "template": {
        "name": "Lochnagar LTE800",
        "service": "CloudRF",
        "created_at": "2024-01-16T13:15:02+00:00",
        "owner": 1,
        "bom_value": 0
    "site": "Site",
    "network": "LOGNAGAR",
    "engine": 2,
    "coordinates": 1,
    "transmitter": {
        "lat": 57.003155,
        "lon": -3.327424,
        "alt": 15,
        "frq": 806,
        "txw": 15,
        "bwi": 10,
        "powerUnit": "W"
    "receiver": {
        "lat": 0,
        "lon": 0,
        "alt": 2,
        "rxg": 0,
        "rxs": -129
    "antenna": {
        "mode": "custom",
        "txg": 19,
        "txl": 0,
        "ant": 0,
        "azi": 180,
        "tlt": 0,
        "hbw": 120,
        "vbw": 20,
        "fbr": 19,
        "pol": "v"
    "model": {
        "pm": 11,
        "pe": 2,
        "ked": 2,
        "rel": 60
    "environment": {
        "obstacles": 0,
        "buildings": 0,
        "landcover": 1,
        "clt": "SCOT4.clt"
    "output": {
        "units": "m",
        "col": "PLASMA130.dBm",
        "out": 6,
        "ber": 0,
        "mod": 0,
        "nf": -120,
        "res": 10,
        "rad": 8


Climbing mountains in winter to test radio networks is dangerous, hard work which requires fitness, experience, skill and dedication to RF engineering. Only do this if you are serious about improving accuracy!

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HF Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS)

HF NVIS coverage

Today we launched a new model for ionospheric communication planning with High Frequency Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS).

It’s available in the interface and directly via the area, path, points or multisite API calls. The powerful GPU accelerated capability offers a modern way of visualising and teaching NVIS propagation. It does not, in it’s present form, do frequency selection so this must be performed prior to using this tool to visualise the coverage.


This form of basic ionospheric propagation is popular with Military, Maritime and rural customers. With a simple horizontally polarised antenna and the right frequency, an operator can establish a link of up to 500km making this a quick and economical method for communicating long distances.

HF is undergoing a renaissance driven by uncertainty of the availability of space systems and the need for secondary communications in emergency PACE planning. Despite the choice available now with consumer grade space based communications, HF is a low cost method which requires no third parties making it immune to business and geo-political changes.

As HF bandwidth is very limited, historically only CW and voice channels were viable although developments in compression, cognitive radio and now MIMO are changing this. Improvements in software especially mean that reliable data channels with improved throughput are possible which makes HF data links a popular low cost, low bandwidth, alternative to satellite communications.

Ionospheric propagation

The ionosphere describes layers of ionised gas between earth and space which vary in height between around 100 and 300km. These layers reflect (HF) radio waves and attenuate others. As the layers are stimulated by sunlight, propagation changes significantly between day and night. Seasons affect propagation also, so a frequency which is good in the day may become unworkable after sunset.

The D Layer is the lowest layer at around 100km and absorbs low frequencies (2-4MHz). This weakens at night so these frequencies become viable. This determines the Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF).

The F layer is the highest layer at around 300km and reflects higher frequencies between 4 and 8MHz. The critical frequency is the Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) which changes throughout the day, determined by sunlight.

A useful analogy for considering the change in the layers is a car engine; It warms up quickly in the morning and cools gradually at the end of a day driving. HF layers change quickly at dawn and slowly after sunset.

Higher frequencies beyond 8MHz experience less refraction so pass through the layers out into space. Depending on conditions a higher frequency may be possible but the most reliable (for NVIS) are found between 2 and 8MHz.

Using the NVIS model

The HF NVIS model can be selected in the model menu or in the API as code 12. Like other models it has a configurable reliability (aka fade margin) and a “context”. The context here refers to the refraction altitude and not an environmental eg. urban/rural choice with other terrestrial models.

  • Context 1 is the D layer at 100km – (Day)
  • Context 2 is the E layer at 200km
  • Context 3 is the F layer at 300km – (Night)

In the day you should use the D layer and your frequency should be between 4 and 8 MHz.

At night, you will use the F layer and need a lower frequency between 2 and 4MHz.

This HF model is only for use with a pre-determined frequency. It does not do forecasting or LUF/MUF frequency selection. This functionality will follow.

The reliability option provides a 10dB fade margin to tune modelling to match the real world. This was set with 50% reliability aligning to summer predictions with a 5MHz frequency.

HF dipole antenna

The antenna pattern will be a special horizontal dipole. You may set the gain and azimuth only but cannot change the pattern as it has high angle nulls for the skip distance before the reflection hits the earth. This will manifest itself as a cold zone at either end of the dipole where the pattern gain is lowest.

This animation shows a dipole orientated north west. The angle of orientation is measured perpendicular (at a right angle) to the wire so the tips of the antenna will generate the worst coverage, in this case to the north east and south west.

HF coverage animation

Radius and resolution

The recommended resolution for NVIS is 180m due to the immense size of the problem. Land cover is irrelevant with this mode of propagation. The radius has been limited to 500km in line with API limits. You can go further with NVIS but would run a risk of straying into multi-hop HF Skywave and this capability is focused on one hop only.

Most NVIS communication takes place between 50 and 300km where groundwave ends and the signal fades into the noise floor.

Using the GPU engine we can model a 500km radius with NVIS and terrain in under 3s. Terrain is a small concern to NVIS unless it’s a large mountain several hundred km away. In this case you will experience shadows due to to low angle of incidence but compared with shadows from terrestrial communications, it will be small.

Environment layers such as land cover and buildings should be off. They will be ignored at 180m resolution.

The colour schema can be whatever you like but if you want to align with the ‘S’ meter scale, popular with HF, where a barely workable signal is S1 and the best is S9 (-73dBm) use a max value of -73dBm with 6dB bands for S9 to S1.

Accuracy verification

We have calibrated our NVIS model to align within 10dB of measurements taken from a 2012 research paper by Marcus Walden using a 5MHz NATO frequency in the UK. From this paper we selected one of the longer links at 210km where we used the median measurement value which for August 2009 was lower during the day than VOACAP, a popular open source application for HF forecasting. The median dBW measurement at noon was -120dBW (-90dBm).

Noting that the RMS error between the VOACAP predictions and the measured values was concluded to be 7 to 12dB at 12 noon (Ref table 7 on page 8), and more at night, we have tuned our model so an “optimistic” prediction is 3dB from the noon measurement. The context and reliability options provide sufficient control to allow predictions to align with current and local ionospheric conditions.

The screenshot below shows both the path and the area coverage aligning with a 1dB calibration schema. The link has over 900m of curvature height gain which explains why a flat region of England appears as a mountain!

HF NVIS calibration
HF NVIS calibration to 3dB

Ionospheric modelling is less predictable than terrestrial modelling due to unpredictable solar radiation. Predictions generated with this model are useful for training, situational awareness and antenna alignment but cannot provide an accuracy greater than 10dB, assuming the inputs are correct.

Look forward: Space weather and long range HF

HF forecasting tools use lookup tables to set refractivity during both seasons and times of day. Using quality, and current data, improves accuracy but like weather forecasting it cannot offer accurate predictions without live data, in this case space weather which has seen a lot of renewed research recently. Our implementation does not use forecasting data presently so users should not be using it to pick their frequencies, but it will help visualise the coverage and align antennas – which at 500km is important.

For the next phase of HF, long range skywave, we will use a space weather feed to offer high resolution HF predictions. Long range HF uses multiple hops at lower angles so the space weather and time of day must be considered along the route which may be thousands of kilometers….

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Planning for noise

The trouble with radio planning software

Radio planning software has a patchy reputation. Regardless of cost, the criticism, especially from novice users, is generally that results “do not match the real world”. The accuracy of modelling software can be improved with training, better data, tuned clutter etc but if you do not plan for the local spectrum noise, it will be inaccurate.

The reason modelling does not match the real world, is the real world is noisy, and noise is everything in digital communications. Spectrum noise will limit your network’s coverage and equipment’s capabilities. A radio that should work miles can be reduced to working several feet only when the noise floor is high enough.

Anyone expecting simulation software to produce an accurate result without offering an accurate noise figure will be forever disappointed as software cannot predict what the noise floor is in a given location at a given moment – you need hardware for that…

Spectrum sensing radios

Modern software defined radios are capable of sensing the noise figure for the local environment. This allows operators, and cognitive radios, to make better choices for bands, power levels and wave-forms as narrow wave-forms perform better in noise than wider alternatives due to channel noise theory where noise increases with bandwidth.

For example, you can have a radio capable of 100Mb/s but it won’t deliver that speed at long range, at ground level, as it requires a generous signal-to-noise margin to function. This is why a speed demo is always at close range.

When spectrum data is exposed via an API, like in the Trellisware family of radios, it provides a rich source of spectrum intelligence which can be used for radio network management, and dynamic RF planning with third party applications. When we integrated this radio API last year, we were focused on acquiring radio locations, not spectrum noise. At the time we could only consider a universal noise floor value in our software so the same noise value was applied for all radios which was vulnerable to error as radios in a network will report different noise values.

Interference: a growing issue

The single biggest communications problem we hear about, from across market sectors, is interference, either deliberate, accidental, or just ambient like in a city. The number of RF devices active in the spectrum, especially ISM and cellular bands, is increasing and in markets which were relatively “quiet”, such as agriculture. Some have always been problematic, such as motorsport, where the noise floor increases significantly on race days.

Spectrum management is a huge problem which won’t be fixed with management consultants or artificial intelligence. Regulators can, and are, restructuring spectrum for dynamic use but to use this finite resource efficiently, hardware and software vendors need to publish APIs and competing vendors need to be incentivised to work to common information standards.

As noise increases, the delta between low-noise RF planning results and real world results has the potential to grow. There’s anecdotal evidence that some private 5G network operators are experiencing so much urban noise they’ve given up on RF planning altogether, and have opted to take their chances using a wet finger and local knowledge. Skipping RF planning is a managed risk when a company has experienced staff (or they get paid for failure), but it does not scale and is a significant risk when working in a new area and/or with inexperienced staff.

A solution: The noise API

To address this challenge, we’ve developed a noise API to eliminate human error, and guesswork for noise floor values which has undermined the reputation of “low-noise” radio planning software.

Manual entry can now be substituted for a feed of recent, or live, spectrum intelligence to enable faster and more accurate network planning. Combined with our real-time GPU modelling, the API can model coverage for moving vehicles, with real noise figures.

There are two new API requests in v3.9 of our API; /noise/create; for adding noise, and /noise/get; for sampling noise. The planning radius is used as a search area so you can upload 1 or thousands of measurements, private to your account. The planning API will reference the data, if requested, and if recent (24 hours) local noise is available for the requested frequency, it will sample it and compensate for the proximity to the transmitter(s).

When no noise is available within the search radius, an appropriate thermal noise floor will be used based on the channel bandwidth and the Johnson-Nyquist formula. The capability can be used by our create APIs (Area, Path, Points, Multisite) by substituting the noise figure in the request eg. “-99” for the trigger word “database”.

  "site": "2sites",
  "network": "MULTISITE",
  "transmitters": [
      "lat": 52.886259202681785,
      "lon": -0.08311549136814698,
      "alt": 2,
      "frq": 460,
      "txw": 2,
      "bwi": 1,
      "nf": "database",
      "ant": 0,
      "antenna": {
        "txg": 2.15,
        "txl": 0,
        "ant": 39,
        "azi": 0,
        "tlt": 0,
        "hbw": 1,
        "vbw": 1,
        "fbr": 2.15,
        "pol": "v"
      "lat": 52.879223835785716,
      "lon": -0.06069882048039804,
      "alt": 2,
      "frq": 460,
      "txw": 2,
      "bwi": 1,
      "nf": "database",
      "ant": 0,
      "antenna": {
        "txg": 2.15,
        "txl": 0,
        "ant": 39,
        "azi": 0,
        "tlt": 0,
        "hbw": 1,
        "vbw": 1,
        "fbr": 2.15,
        "pol": "v"
  "receiver": {
    "alt": 2,
    "rxg": 2,
    "rxs": 10
  "model": {
    "pm": 11,
    "pe": 2,
    "ked": 1,
    "rel": 80
  "environment": {
    "clm": 0,
    "cll": 2,
    "clt": "SILVER.clt"
  "output": {
    "units": "m",
    "col": "SILVER.dB",
    "out": 4,
    "res": 4,
    "rad": 3

In the example JSON request above, two adjacent UHF sites are in a single GPU accelerated multisite request. The sites both have a noise floor (nf) key with a value of “database”. Noise will be sampled separately for each site.

Demo 1: Motorsport radio network on race day

The local noise floor jumps ups significantly on race day compared with the rest of the time making planning tricky.

Demo 2: Importing survey data to model the “real” coverage across a county

By importing a spreadsheet of results into the API, we can generate results sensitive to each location.

A look forward to cognitive networks

Autonomous cognitive radio networks require lots of data to make decisions.
Currently, they can use empirical measurements of values such as noise to inform channel selection and power limits at a single node.
What they cannot do is hypothesise what the network might look like without actually reconfiguring. To do that requires a fast and mature RF planning API, integrated with live network data. Only then can you begin to ask the expansive questions like, which locations/antennas/channels are best for my network given the current noise or the really interesting future noise whereby the state now is known but the state in the future is anticipated.

As our GPU multisite API can model dozens of sites in a second, the future could be closer than you think…


API reference:

Hosted noise client:

GPU multisite racetrack demo:

Posted on

Critical Coronation private 5G network planned with CloudRF

On Saturday 6th May the worlds media descended on London for the Coronation of King Charles, an event last planned before many people had television.

As the national broadcaster, the BBC managed the coverage and worked with Neutral Wireless to deploy an innovative private 5G network, with dedicated spectrum, along the procession route for exclusive use by the media and special cameras with 5G modems.

Using the CloudRF API with UK LiDAR data the team created accurate urban line of sight models for their N77 base stations along the tree lined route. Their model used RSRP units and a custom colour schema to map the 4GHz downlink coverage and key handover regions to ensure smooth subscriber transitions for the dynamic event. 

Antenna patterns

The area to be covered is a linear tree lined boulevard known as “The Mall” which leads to one of the most iconic buildings in the country, Buckingham palace. For this task, high performance Alpha Wireless directional panels were employed above the crowds at only 4m, much lower than a conventional city cellular network where a mast will be on rooftops. The combination of low height and a 4GHz frequency limits the effective range so the direction of the antennas needed to be carefully optimised to provide maximum coverage for broadcasters, strategically positioned along the route for line of sight.

How do you model a parade of horses?

Given the low height of the masts and the significant number of tall horses on parade this presents a challenge to critical line of sight which a LiDAR vendor cannot help with. The same problem applies to temporary structures such as the grandstand erected outside the Palace.

For a challenge such as this we can use custom clutter to simulate a parade of horses at a uniform distribution with a nominal density value. A “brick” clutter type can be customised to 2m height and 0.4dB/m attenuation to simulate loss through the parade to show the low and high risk locations for maintaining a link through the parade.

Our current 2D engine regards all obstacles as extending to the ground so a clutter model for a horse will be conservative since in reality a horse has a substantial gap between its legs sufficient for some RF to travel between it and reflect, and diffuse, off the rough ground to reach a camera beyond it. We’re already working on 3D 😉

In the screenshot below, the formation nearest the mast present no challenge, the formation in the middle show attenuation throughout them making a link difficult potentially depending upon siting of the receiver and the distant formation is blocking the, already attenuated, signal.


The parade was held in May when the trees along the Mall are coming into leaf presenting a moderate obstacle to the 4GHz frequencies. The temporary masts were therefore erected forward of the trees for optimal coverage but still technically under the canopy which makes planning challenging with a 2D engine since these trees can exist as spikes in the LiDAR profile. To avoid accidentally siting a mast atop a tree/spike in the model the path profile tool can be used to inspect the path profile, to identify where there are tall trees in the underlying surface model. Using the UK Environment Agency LiDAR from 2019, the nearest trees on the Mall are lightly represented in LiDAR with a 6m to 8m average canopy compared to their significant neighbours one row back and beyond in St James Park.

The result

The high resolution coverage map was integrated with official event mapping, printed, and displayed in the event broadcasting operations room as a reference. You can also see it on the BBC.

Despite the challenges expected from such congested spectrum, dynamic obstructions and the unexpected surprise of unscheduled electronic counter measures they were able to deliver accurate coverage, on time and within budget to broadcast a historic event in high definition, in real time.

Victoria Memorial

CloudRF referenced in award winning technical paper

The BBC research and development team published an award winning paper at the 2023 International Broadcasting Convention about the event titled 5G Standalone Non-Public Networks: Modernising wireless production.

In this paper, the 4GHz coverage accuracy was validated using ground truth data. This quote about CloudRF’s accuracy stands out:

The agreement between the predictions and on-the-ground measurements is excellent

BBC Research and Development

You can download the paper at the BBC here.