Google Earth™ interface

Radio planning within Google EarthTM

Our interactive layer is a unique and powerful RF planning interface, accessed by loading a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) overlay in Google EarthTM. It’s ideal for busy organisations already using Google Earth as existing data can be overlaid with your RF overlays and the software with supporting terrain data is ready to go so long as a client has Google Earth and a network connection.

A Cloud-RF user account is required to use the service. Registration is free.


A comprehensive list of the system’s features and capabilities is here.


KML download


Keyhole radio documentation is located here.

Get Google Earth PRO for free

It’s free now. Grab it and register it with your email and the license key ‘GEPFREE’. Don’t forget to check the terms of use if planning to share products commercially. These restrictions are due to restrictive terms from the imagery suppliers which GE depends on. Use this tool to confirm you are eligible to publish screenshots etc. Personal and internal use is OK.

Future proof

If you’re a professional Google earth user you’ll know Google started giving the pro version away for free and deprecated the API, clear signs they’re stepping away from GE. Thankfully, the standards on which Google Earth is built (KML) are future proof and compatible with other popular GIS systems.

We hope to see the Keyhole Radio layer on ATAK in the future once it’s network KML support improves.