Applications by Industry

CloudRF is used every day, all around the world, and has been since 2012. Our API is integrated into many systems and our maps feature on the walls of many offices and ops rooms.


Agricultural farm land

Modern smart farms are covered with technology and dependent upon the RF spectrum to function. Our interfaces and APIs are used to deploy livestock management systems as well as water meters. Drones, Combine Harvesters, sensors and telemetry can all be planned here with one user friendly tool.

With user friendly interfaces, custom clutter and automation for large scale projects, we are the API for smart farms.


Airport RADAR
Airport RADAR

Aviation is a complex market which uses a wide variety of the RF spectrum from Airband VHF, ADS-B to RADAR.

We’re used by consultants conducting studies into RADAR upgrades, Drone companies, Counter drone (CUAS) companies and regulatory authorities.

Our API has been integrated with ADS-B feeds, RADAR planning tools and customers have modelled national-level receiver networks from spreadsheets.

Blue lights / Emergency Services

We’re the tool that makes coverage maps in operations rooms all around the world. Whatever the technology, our accessible pricing, global data, and always-on nature means we get used for more events than most.

Whether for a 5G network for an event or a coverage map of TETRA towers, we can meet the requirement.

With templates for market leading DMR and TETRA radios, busy operators can grab the right settings first time. We believe that “good enough” is good enough when time is short.

A large proportion of our team are former Police and Military so we are designed by operators, not accountants.


Radio theory is critical knowledge in the modern world in more industries than ever.

We are used by educational institutes to teach theory to economics, electronics and computing students. For a list of citations see this page.

As an online educational tool, CloudRF is ready for a class of students even if they are dispersed. Using an interactive tool is more productive for student learning than death-by-powerpoint as the student can apply the theory immediately in a representative environment.


Our user friendly service and mobile interfaces are ideal for tactical radio planning and our API is used to inform hardware procurement.

CloudRF is used by research labs conducting studies into future technologies and simulating the impact of interference.

As an online SaaS platform, CloudRF has it’s limits which is why we offer a self-hosted server called SOOTHSAYER.


Pro-active manufacturers of radios and antennas use us to help them test and sell their hardware.

We are experts in antennas and can take a factory data sheet and turn polar plots into a coverage layer to show the benefit of a product, like a sector antenna.

Field testing is a big part of radio manufacturers’ plans and we are used throughout the cycle. From early planning in the office for the equipment selection to the siting on the day, conducted from hotel rooms!


The modern world of telecommunications is more diverse than ever. Our full spectrum technology agnostic API supports nearly every comms technology from HF NVIS to Starlink.

We have designed a system which can be used with different technologies with minimal training. You won’t find nested menus of cryptic ITU standards here but we have the options to model what matters.

As an affordable alternative to legacy desktop tools, we are not only better value but more powerful. Our service is powered by dedicated high performance GPU servers enhanced with LiDAR so we compete on speed, accuracy…..and price. We field test in different environments to below 8dB RMSE which gives us a modelling error of a respectable 5dB.