Through the use of popular raster and vector overlay standards (GTIFF, SHP, KMZ) CloudRF supports most popular GIS platforms.
Downloaded GIS layers are available in projections EPSG 4326 (WGS-84) or EPSG 3857 (Web mercator).
A comprehensive list of the system’s features and capabilities is here.
Google earth (KMZ)
Cloud-RF has a unique interactive layer for Google earth called ‘Keyhole Radio’. This allows you to perform planning direct from within the platform without the need for a web browser. Get all your data layers together on one map.
CloudRF exports to GTIFF and SHP formats both of which are compatible with the popular open source QGIS platform.
CloudRF exports to GTIFF and SHP formats both of which are compatible with the popular Mapinfo platform.
CloudRF exports to GTIFF and SHP formats both of which are compatible with the popular ESRI Arc family of GIS platforms.