# Reference Data ## Antenna Patterns The antenna database lets you search for patterns by manufacturer, model and/or physical parameters like gain. To access the Antenna Database: - Under the **Antenna** Input menu, click on the **Manage my Antennas** ![Manage antennas icon](Images/InterfaceWeb/Icons/ManageAntennas.png) icon. - The **Antenna Database** dialog box will appear. You can choose to open this in a separate tab with the hyperlink at the bottom. ![Antenna Database](Images/InterfaceWeb/ManageAntennas/antenna_database.jpg) - In the table, you can search the Antenna Database by filtering on parameters. To do so: - Select the desired **Manufacturer**. - The respective manufacturer's list of *Antenna Patterns* will be displayed. - Select the desired **Model**. - The respective **Antenna Pattern's information** - *ID, Name, Description, Frequency, Gain, Polarisation* and *Polar Maps* will be displayed once a row is clicked. ### Choosing a favourite pattern Each row has a heart icon to the right. Click the heart to 'favourite' a pattern and click it again to 'unfavourite' it. ![Favourite pattern](Images/InterfaceWeb/ManageAntennas/FavouriteEnabled.png) ![Favourite pattern](Images/InterfaceWeb/ManageAntennas/FavouriteDisabled.png) When a pattern is a favourite, the heart will be red and it will appear on your list within 10 seconds. ![Antenna Pattern Added](Images/InterfaceWeb/ManageAntennas/DatabaseFavouritePatternDisplayed.png) ### Antenna pattern data The system consumes antenna patterns in TIA/EIA-804-B (NSMA) ADF and ANT formats which can be uploaded at `/API/antennas`. *A link to the upload form is at the top of the antenna database interface.* All patterns should have 360 rows of horizontal data and 360 rows of elevation data. For more information see [Antenna patterns](https://cloudrf.com/docs/antenna-patterns). To validate an ADF pattern use our online tool here: [https://api.cloudrf.com/API/antennas/validator/](https://api.cloudrf.com/API/antennas/validator/) To convert another standard such as ANT or MSI to ADF, use the conversion wizard, linked at the top of the antenna database. This handy utility will detect the format, attempt to convert it to a standard and will report any violations. If the data is good, you will be offered a download link for a ADF file which you can upload or keep as a souvenir. ![Antenna Pattern Wizard](Images/InterfaceWeb/ManageAntennas/AntennaPatternWizard.png) #### Example TIA/EIA-804-B pattern file This example data shows the unique colon-comma formatting this TIA standard uses. It might not make sense compared with modern information standards but it is a ratified standard and is widely supported as a result. ``` REVNUM:,TIA/EIA-804-B COMNT1:,Standard TIA/EIA Antenna Pattern Data ANTMAN:,RFI Antennas for Bird Technologies Group MODNUM:,CC806-06 @ 870 DESCR1:,Corporate collinear, 746-870 MHz DESCR2:,Omnidirectional, 5dBd, 0o Downtilt DTDATA:,20060213 LOWFRQ:,746 HGHFRQ:,870 GUNITS:,DBD/DBR MDGAIN:,4.8 AZWIDT:,360 ELWIDT:,17 CONTYP:,7/16 DIN Silver Plated ATVSWR:,1.5 FRTOBA:,0 ELTILT:,0 MAXPOW:,500 ANTLEN:,1.85 ANTWID:,0.077 ANTWGT:,7.1 PATTYP:,Typical NOFREQ:,1 PATFRE:,870 NUMCUT:,2 PATCUT:,V POLARI:,V/V NUPOIN:,360 FSTLST:,-179,180 -179,-0.053 -178,-0.179 -177,-0.374 -176,-0.639 -175,-0.971 -174,-1.376 -173,-1.857 -172,-2.425 -171,-3.089 -170,-3.866 -169,-4.772 -168,-5.831 -167,-7.069 -166,-8.515 -165,-10.202 -164,-12.146 -163,-14.296 -162,-16.376 -161,-17.699 -160,-17.679 -159,-16.748 -158,-15.657 -157,-14.757 -156,-14.132 -155,-13.777 -154,-13.665 -153,-13.770 -152,-14.066 -151,-14.532 -150,-15.146 -149,-15.888 -148,-16.736 -147,-17.668 -146,-18.656 -145,-19.667 -144,-20.654 -143,-21.546 -142,-22.234 -141,-22.588 -140,-22.512 -139,-22.014 -138,-21.214 -137,-20.261 -136,-19.278 -135,-18.338 -134,-17.483 -133,-16.730 -132,-16.084 -131,-15.544 -130,-15.107 -129,-14.767 -128,-14.520 -127,-14.358 -126,-14.277 -125,-14.271 -124,-14.337 -123,-14.468 -122,-14.662 -121,-14.914 -120,-15.221 -119,-15.579 -118,-15.986 -117,-16.439 -116,-16.935 -115,-17.472 -114,-18.048 -113,-18.659 -112,-19.305 -111,-19.982 -110,-20.689 -109,-21.424 -108,-22.185 -107,-22.972 -106,-23.782 -105,-24.618 -104,-25.481 -103,-26.374 -102,-27.304 -101,-28.282 -100,-29.320 -99,-30.441 -98,-31.672 -97,-33.053 -96,-34.640 -95,-36.507 -94,-38.739 -93,-41.001 -92,-41.317 -91,-43.387 -90,-43.536 -89,-43.387 -88,-41.317 -87,-41.001 -86,-38.739 -85,-36.507 -84,-34.640 -83,-33.053 -82,-31.672 -81,-30.441 -80,-29.320 -79,-28.282 -78,-27.304 -77,-26.374 -76,-25.481 -75,-24.618 -74,-23.782 -73,-22.972 -72,-22.185 -71,-21.424 -70,-20.689 -69,-19.982 -68,-19.305 -67,-18.659 -66,-18.048 -65,-17.472 -64,-16.935 -63,-16.439 -62,-15.986 -61,-15.579 -60,-15.221 -59,-14.914 -58,-14.662 -57,-14.468 -56,-14.337 -55,-14.271 -54,-14.277 -53,-14.358 -52,-14.520 -51,-14.767 -50,-15.107 -49,-15.544 -48,-16.084 -47,-16.730 -46,-17.483 -45,-18.338 -44,-19.278 -43,-20.261 -42,-21.214 -41,-22.014 -40,-22.512 -39,-22.588 -38,-22.234 -37,-21.546 -36,-20.654 -35,-19.667 -34,-18.656 -33,-17.668 -32,-16.736 -31,-15.888 -30,-15.146 -29,-14.532 -28,-14.066 -27,-13.770 -26,-13.665 -25,-13.777 -24,-14.132 -23,-14.757 -22,-15.657 -21,-16.748 -20,-17.679 -19,-17.699 -18,-16.376 -17,-14.296 -16,-12.146 -15,-10.202 -14,-8.515 -13,-7.069 -12,-5.831 -11,-4.772 -10,-3.866 -9,-3.089 -8,-2.425 -7,-1.857 -6,-1.376 -5,-0.971 -4,-0.639 -3,-0.374 -2,-0.179 -1,-0.053 0,0.000 1,-0.080 2,-0.200 3,-0.700 4,-1.300 5,-1.987 6,-2.509 7,-3.159 8,-3.946 9,-4.882 10,-5.982 11,-7.264 12,-8.756 13,-10.498 14,-12.551 15,-15.021 16,-18.110 17,-22.259 18,-28.598 19,-34.203 20,-27.412 21,-23.162 22,-20.560 23,-18.783 24,-17.499 25,-16.553 26,-15.866 27,-15.396 28,-15.122 29,-15.033 30,-15.127 31,-15.406 32,-15.876 33,-16.547 34,-17.431 35,-18.537 36,-19.862 37,-21.359 38,-22.862 39,-23.992 40,-24.280 41,-23.680 42,-22.631 43,-21.539 44,-20.590 45,-19.839 46,-19.287 47,-18.922 48,-18.725 49,-18.682 50,-18.776 51,-18.997 52,-19.333 53,-19.771 54,-20.300 55,-20.905 56,-21.568 57,-22.264 58,-22.963 59,-23.627 60,-24.216 61,-24.695 62,-25.041 63,-25.251 64,-25.343 65,-25.345 66,-25.294 67,-25.220 68,-25.146 69,-25.091 70,-25.066 71,-25.076 72,-25.125 73,-25.214 74,-25.343 75,-25.509 76,-25.711 77,-25.945 78,-26.210 79,-26.502 80,-26.818 81,-27.154 82,-27.506 83,-27.871 84,-28.243 85,-28.617 86,-29.000 87,-30.000 88,-31.000 89,-34.000 90,-36.000 91,-34.000 92,-31.000 93,-30.000 94,-29.000 95,-28.617 96,-28.243 97,-27.871 98,-27.506 99,-27.154 100,-26.818 101,-26.502 102,-26.210 103,-25.945 104,-25.711 105,-25.509 106,-25.343 107,-25.214 108,-25.125 109,-25.076 110,-25.066 111,-25.091 112,-25.146 113,-25.220 114,-25.294 115,-25.345 116,-25.343 117,-25.251 118,-25.041 119,-24.695 120,-24.216 121,-23.627 122,-22.963 123,-22.264 124,-21.568 125,-20.905 126,-20.300 127,-19.771 128,-19.333 129,-18.997 130,-18.776 131,-18.682 132,-18.725 133,-18.922 134,-19.287 135,-19.839 136,-20.590 137,-21.539 138,-22.631 139,-23.680 140,-24.280 141,-23.992 142,-22.862 143,-21.359 144,-19.862 145,-18.537 146,-17.431 147,-16.547 148,-15.876 149,-15.406 150,-15.127 151,-15.033 152,-15.122 153,-15.396 154,-15.866 155,-16.553 156,-17.499 157,-18.783 158,-20.560 159,-23.162 160,-27.412 161,-34.203 162,-28.598 163,-22.259 164,-18.110 165,-15.021 166,-12.551 167,-10.498 168,-8.756 169,-7.264 170,-5.982 171,-4.882 172,-3.946 173,-3.159 174,-2.509 175,-1.987 176,-1.300 177,-0.700 178,-0.200 179,-0.080 180,0.000 PATCUT:,H POLARI:,V/V NUPOIN:,360 FSTLST:,-179,180 -179,-1.097 -178,-1.096 -177,-1.095 -176,-1.094 -175,-1.091 -174,-1.088 -173,-1.085 -172,-1.080 -171,-1.075 -170,-1.070 -169,-1.064 -168,-1.057 -167,-1.050 -166,-1.043 -165,-1.034 -164,-1.026 -163,-1.017 -162,-1.007 -161,-0.998 -160,-0.987 -159,-0.977 -158,-0.966 -157,-0.955 -156,-0.944 -155,-0.933 -154,-0.921 -153,-0.910 -152,-0.898 -151,-0.887 -150,-0.875 -149,-0.863 -148,-0.852 -147,-0.841 -146,-0.829 -145,-0.818 -144,-0.807 -143,-0.797 -142,-0.786 -141,-0.776 -140,-0.766 -139,-0.756 -138,-0.747 -137,-0.738 -136,-0.730 -135,-0.721 -134,-0.713 -133,-0.706 -132,-0.699 -131,-0.692 -130,-0.685 -129,-0.679 -128,-0.673 -127,-0.668 -126,-0.662 -125,-0.658 -124,-0.653 -123,-0.649 -122,-0.644 -121,-0.640 -120,-0.637 -119,-0.633 -118,-0.630 -117,-0.627 -116,-0.623 -115,-0.620 -114,-0.617 -113,-0.614 -112,-0.611 -111,-0.608 -110,-0.605 -109,-0.602 -108,-0.599 -107,-0.595 -106,-0.592 -105,-0.588 -104,-0.584 -103,-0.580 -102,-0.576 -101,-0.571 -100,-0.566 -99,-0.561 -98,-0.556 -97,-0.550 -96,-0.544 -95,-0.538 -94,-0.531 -93,-0.524 -92,-0.516 -91,-0.509 -90,-0.501 -89,-0.492 -88,-0.484 -87,-0.474 -86,-0.465 -85,-0.455 -84,-0.445 -83,-0.435 -82,-0.424 -81,-0.413 -80,-0.402 -79,-0.391 -78,-0.379 -77,-0.367 -76,-0.355 -75,-0.343 -74,-0.330 -73,-0.318 -72,-0.305 -71,-0.293 -70,-0.280 -69,-0.268 -68,-0.255 -67,-0.242 -66,-0.230 -65,-0.217 -64,-0.205 -63,-0.193 -62,-0.181 -61,-0.170 -60,-0.158 -59,-0.147 -58,-0.136 -57,-0.125 -56,-0.115 -55,-0.105 -54,-0.096 -53,-0.087 -52,-0.078 -51,-0.070 -50,-0.062 -49,-0.055 -48,-0.048 -47,-0.041 -46,-0.035 -45,-0.030 -44,-0.025 -43,-0.020 -42,-0.016 -41,-0.013 -40,-0.010 -39,-0.007 -38,-0.005 -37,-0.003 -36,-0.002 -35,-0.001 -34,0.000 -33,0.000 -32,0.000 -31,-0.001 -30,-0.002 -29,-0.003 -28,-0.004 -27,-0.006 -26,-0.008 -25,-0.010 -24,-0.012 -23,-0.014 -22,-0.017 -21,-0.020 -20,-0.022 -19,-0.025 -18,-0.028 -17,-0.031 -16,-0.034 -15,-0.037 -14,-0.039 -13,-0.042 -12,-0.045 -11,-0.047 -10,-0.049 -9,-0.052 -8,-0.054 -7,-0.056 -6,-0.057 -5,-0.059 -4,-0.060 -3,-0.061 -2,-0.062 -1,-0.062 0,-0.063 1,-0.063 2,-0.063 3,-0.062 4,-0.062 5,-0.061 6,-0.060 7,-0.059 8,-0.057 9,-0.056 10,-0.054 11,-0.052 12,-0.049 13,-0.047 14,-0.045 15,-0.042 16,-0.039 17,-0.037 18,-0.034 19,-0.031 20,-0.028 21,-0.025 22,-0.022 23,-0.020 24,-0.017 25,-0.014 26,-0.012 27,-0.010 28,-0.008 29,-0.006 30,-0.004 31,-0.003 32,-0.002 33,-0.001 34,0.000 35,0.000 36,0.000 37,-0.001 38,-0.002 39,-0.003 40,-0.005 41,-0.007 42,-0.010 43,-0.013 44,-0.016 45,-0.020 46,-0.025 47,-0.030 48,-0.035 49,-0.041 50,-0.048 51,-0.055 52,-0.062 53,-0.070 54,-0.078 55,-0.087 56,-0.096 57,-0.105 58,-0.115 59,-0.125 60,-0.136 61,-0.147 62,-0.158 63,-0.170 64,-0.181 65,-0.193 66,-0.205 67,-0.217 68,-0.230 69,-0.242 70,-0.255 71,-0.268 72,-0.280 73,-0.293 74,-0.305 75,-0.318 76,-0.330 77,-0.343 78,-0.355 79,-0.367 80,-0.379 81,-0.391 82,-0.402 83,-0.413 84,-0.424 85,-0.435 86,-0.445 87,-0.455 88,-0.465 89,-0.474 90,-0.484 91,-0.492 92,-0.501 93,-0.509 94,-0.516 95,-0.524 96,-0.531 97,-0.538 98,-0.544 99,-0.550 100,-0.556 101,-0.561 102,-0.566 103,-0.571 104,-0.576 105,-0.580 106,-0.584 107,-0.588 108,-0.592 109,-0.595 110,-0.599 111,-0.602 112,-0.605 113,-0.608 114,-0.611 115,-0.614 116,-0.617 117,-0.620 118,-0.623 119,-0.627 120,-0.630 121,-0.633 122,-0.637 123,-0.640 124,-0.644 125,-0.649 126,-0.653 127,-0.658 128,-0.662 129,-0.668 130,-0.673 131,-0.679 132,-0.685 133,-0.692 134,-0.699 135,-0.706 136,-0.713 137,-0.721 138,-0.730 139,-0.738 140,-0.747 141,-0.756 142,-0.766 143,-0.776 144,-0.786 145,-0.797 146,-0.807 147,-0.818 148,-0.829 149,-0.841 150,-0.852 151,-0.863 152,-0.875 153,-0.887 154,-0.898 155,-0.910 156,-0.921 157,-0.933 158,-0.944 159,-0.955 160,-0.966 161,-0.977 162,-0.987 163,-0.998 164,-1.007 165,-1.017 166,-1.026 167,-1.034 168,-1.043 169,-1.050 170,-1.057 171,-1.064 172,-1.070 173,-1.075 174,-1.080 175,-1.085 176,-1.088 177,-1.091 178,-1.094 179,-1.095 180,-1.096 ENDFIL:,EOF ``` ## Terrain data The system works with raster data in the GeoTIFF format with WGS-84 projection. *SOOTHSAYER users with a private server can add their own tiles by placing them in the mapped `/data/DSM/` folder and clicking "Reprocess DSM" within the admin dashboard. See the SOOTHSAYER documentation for more information on adding your own data.* GeoTIFF tiles need to be of type `Int16` in `WGS-84 (EPSG:4326)` projection with a pixel resolution of between 1 and 30m. LZW compression is recommended. For a map of current CloudRF system data see [Terrain data map](https://cloudrf.com/terrain-and-clutter/). Data is continuously added and refreshed so this is a live map. ## Buildings and LiDAR When using LiDAR data, users should be aware that it is a single surface layer (DSM) which *includes* buildings. Therefore if you need a 2m mast on top of a 9m building this is still a **relative height** of 2m for the input form. To test for LiDAR, use the path tool with DSM and without the buildings layer at high resolution eg. 5m. If you see buildings you have LiDAR in your area. If you do not have LiDAR, use the digital terrain model (DTM), which describes most of the earth, and enter an **absolute height** above ground of 11m to simulate a 2m mast atop a 9m building. In the web interface, LiDAR data is used when the terrain type is DSM and the resolution is <= 30m. If it is not available, a 30m DSM model will be used. This does not contain buildings so must be enhanced with the buildings layer. In these images, a 2m high antenna is modelled using DSM LiDAR and DTM with buildings. Note the DTM link appears obstructed since it is inside the obstacle so needs elevating to the absolute height of 11m above ground to budget for the 9m building. ![Path profile response using LIDAR](Images/InterfaceWeb/PathProfile/LidarProfile.png) ![Path profile response using DTM](Images/InterfaceWeb/PathProfile/DTMProfile.png) ## Clutter data The system has several forms of landcover data to enhance above surface accuracy, especially in urban areas. All users can draw and self-classify private clutter items in the web interface as polylines or polygons. Using this technique you can represent almost any obstacle from light trees through to concrete and solid metal. Large numbers of obstacles can be uploaded as KML or GeoJSON in the web interface. Uploaded clutter belongs to a user and is not visible to others. For more information on landcover classes see [Clutter data](https://cloudrf.com/clutter). ![Path profile response with clutter](Images/InterfaceWeb/PathProfile/ResponseClutter.png) ### 10m Landcover The primary clutter source is European Space Agency (ESA) 10m Landcover data, published in October 2021. *WorldCover provides a new baseline global land cover product at 10 m resolution for 2020 based on Sentinel-1 and 2 data that was developed and validated in almost near-real time and at the same time maximizes the impact and uptake for the end users.* *A tremendous step forward towards the joint use of Sentinel satellite data for worldwide land cover mapping.* © ESA WorldCover project 2020 / Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2020) processed by ESA WorldCover consortium This comprehensive dataset covers the planet and has 9 bands for Trees, Shrubland, Grassland, Crops, Built-up, Bare ground, Snow/Ice, Water, Swamps and Mangroves. *WARNING: Be careful when setting the 'urban' landcover height since this elevates roads (and car parks etc) as well as buildings! Keep this height low and use the buildings layer instead for urban planning.* ### 3D Buildings A supplementary clutter source are 3D Buildings, derived from satellite imagery using machine learning. These are accurate to 2m and have better global coverage than crowd sourced equivalents. The height of buildings is either estimated or crowd sourced. Where height is unknown an approximate local value is used based upon neighbour heights. The minimum height is 3m. ### Custom Clutter All users can draw and self-classify private clutter items in the web interface as polylines or polygons. Using this technique you can represent almost any obstacle from light trees through to concrete. Large numbers of obstacles can be uploaded as KML or GeoJSON in the web interface. Uploaded clutter belongs to a user or the system. VM administrators can override clutter ownership manually in the SQL clutter table to make it system clutter for the benefit of all users. For more information on land cover classes see [Clutter data](https://cloudrf.com/clutter). ![Clutter profile manager](Images/InterfaceWeb/Clutter/clutter_manager_annotated.png) 1. Selected clutter profile 2. Save/delete profile as name 3. Building attenuation 4. Delete all obstacles on your account 5. Land cover types with customisable height and attenuation values 6. My obstacle (clutter) types with customisable name, colour, height and attenuation values ### Clutter codes In a clutter profile the codes represent different types of landcover. #### System Landcover - `1` Water - `2` Trees - `3` Grassland - `4` Swamp - `5` Crops - `6` Shrubland - `7` Built-up - `8` Bare ground - `9` Snow / Ice #### Custom Clutter Codes `11` through `19` represent "Custom Clutter". These codes are free to be customised as per your particular usecase and environment. You have the ability to define a name and a colour for each of these clutter codes which will be represented in calculations. For more information on how to add clutter with these codes, please consult the [clutter documentation](clutter). ### Clutter Profiles Premium users can define custom clutter profiles for regions eg. `AFRICA.clt`, `POLAND.clt`. These are saved within your folder as `.clt` files. VM users can add these locally by placing `.clt` files in the folder. A `.clt` is a simple text format with tab delimiters and 3 columns: "Code", "Height (m)" and "Nominal Attenuation (dB/m)". Codes `11` through `19` represent your "My Obstacles" and also have 2 additional columns of "Name" and "Colour Code". This allows you to customise your custom obstacles further. The system default, `Minimal.clt`, looks like this. Code `10` is not used. Please note that the columns are separed by tabs (`\t`). ```console 1 1 0.0 2 1 0.01 3 1 0.0 4 1 0.001 5 1 0.002 6 1 0.002 7 1 0.02 8 1 0 9 1 0 10 0 0 11 6 0.1 "Obstacle 1" "#ea580c" 12 8 0.2 "Obstacle 2" "#f43f5e" 13 3 0.25 "Obstacle 3" "#67e8f9" 14 4 0.3 "Obstacle 4" "#a3e635" 15 5 0.4 "Obstacle 5" "#14b8a6" 16 6 0.5 "Obstacle 6" "#16a34a" 17 7 0.6 "Obstacle 7" "#a78bfa" 18 8 0.7 "Obstacle 8" "#4338ca" 19 3 1.0 "Obstacle 9" "#075985" ```